Friday, March 21, 2014

Geraldine Page, April Meeting Moves, and an Apology

Geraldine Brooks

Geraldine Brooks is an author we've read twice. First we read we read March in June 2008 and then People of the Book in March 2011.

Brooks is coming to speak at UT Arlington as part of Women's History Month. She will give the keynote address (topic is not provided) at 7pm on the sixth floor of the Central Library. The closest free parking is the lot south of the Life Science Building. For a fee, you can park in the adjacent Maverick Parking Garage (to the east of the library). I recommend getting directions from a mapping application or using the interactive map I've linked to here (click on Central Library), because most of the streets are one way and it's easy to end up going the wrong direction.

More information about the 2014 Women's History Month events can be found here:

April Meeting

 This is a reminder that we decided to meet on the fourth Thursday of April so we wouldn't be meeting on Maundy Thursday. The meeting will be on April 24 and will feature East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. A reminder will come out closer to the meeting time.


Which brings me to the apology, as I forgot to send out a reminder for March's (last night's) meeting. I hope that isn't the reason we had a small group. On the other hand, small groups can be very nice. Hoping for a larger group next month, as we always miss our absent friends.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Echo Project features multimedia content for Khalid Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed

A co-worker of mine came across this site and, since we have so recently read the book, I thought I'd share it. I've noodled around a bit with it, but the content is related to pages. The idea is that you'll read a page of text and go to that corresponding page to see maps, images, videos, and hear audio of music and reading excerpts, etc.

Since my Kindle shows only location numbers and not pages, I'm a bit in the dark. Need to write to Penguin for them to consider a way to meet the needs of ebook readers.

The Echo Project:
A video introduction of the project on Vimeo:

Hope you enjoy it!

PS Also wanted to remind you to save the date for Geraldine Page, who will be speaking at UT Arlington on March 24. Will give more details at the next meeting.

--C.D. Walter