Friday, November 21, 2014

Change of Date for December Meeting

Normally our December meeting is moved forward to the second Thursday, to keep it from falling too close to Christmas. This year, we have decided to meet the third Thursday, December 18. The date has been changed on the Current List.

We will watch the film The Dead, directed by John Huston (the last film he directed) and starring Angelica Huston. The film is based on the final story in the short story collection The Dubliners by James Joyce.

If you would like to read the story before the showing, The Dubliners should be readily available at most city libraries or at Half Price Books or other used book stores. If you have a Kindle, for 99 cents you can get The Dubliners or, for the same price, James Joyce: Collection of All Complete Classics Works.

Happy Thanksgiving, godspeed to all who will be traveling, and hope to see you in December!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Meeting Reminder: November 20 Book Discussion

This is a reminder that November's meeting will be Thursday, November 20, 2014.

We will discuss The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd.

6:30pm Potluck dinner
7:00pm Discussion

REMINDER: Remember to bring your own dishes and utensils for the potluck.

Please RSVP for the pot luck dinner and/or discussion.

Hope to see everyone there!